Psychologieboeken: Supermind: The Ultimate Energy / Barbara B.Brown

Aangeboden: Supermind: The Ultimate Energy / Barbara B.Brown Prijs: Bieden

Paperback-291 pagina's- 1980
In this easy to read book, Barbara Brown makes the inner workings of the mind clear to any reader. The book covers the makeup and methods of the mind, body, & brain. Then it explores the relationships among these important parts of our being. Along the way, the author provides step by step descriptions on techniques that allow the reader to access the vast, untapped potential of the human mind.
Barbara Brown was an experimental physiologist at the UCLA Medical School. She is famous for her research in biofeedback. In this book Brown describes the amazing abilities of the brain, and particularly of the unconscious mind. Written in 1980 the book is old but interesting.

Brown first argues that animal brains are more intelligent than previously thought. This theory has recently gained more acceptance with, for example, the discovery that apes make tools.

Much of the book is taken up with a description of how the unconscious regulates the complicated functions of the body. One chapter deals with how both the conscious and the unconscious affects health and healing.

Brown proposes that the brain, informed by environmental learning, may effect the replication of the chromosomes during reproduction. The brain learns from the environment that a longer neck is needed and 'long neck' genes are selected. This of course is Lamarckian evolution with a new mechanism. Interestingly it has recently been discovered that the brain neurochemical noradrenaline can turn on and off the function of genes for growth.

Another chapter examines altered states of being, such as sleep-walking and hypnosis, which demonstrate the unconscious minds ability to know and understand complex tasks usually controlled by the conscious mind.

This book is written in easy to understand language, but is suited to a university educated mind.
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